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This Papillon, Sitting Value Line cremation urn can be ordered with a personal (3 line 110 character) inscription on a premium leaded brass nameplate. Optional laser-engraved acrylic plates offer more customization options and are available in several shapes. Pet’s bagged ashes are installed through removable bottom which is secured with screws, providing tamper resistant protection. See chart below for enclosure capacity.
Please Note: The figurine size is the same regardless of the urn size selected. “Size” indicates urn dimensions and capacity. See chart below for more information.
Figurines are also available separately if you’ve already purchased a box. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Having experienced the pain of pet loss, we ultimately found the inspiration for these offerings in the realization that a treasured keepsake does, in time, provide some small degree of comfort. Displaying your special family member’s remains is a beautiful way to memorialize them for a lifetime. Unlike burial sites, small urns can travel with us and enable us to keep the beloved lost ones in our hearts and lives forever.
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